• Food & Beverages

Tai Cheong Bakery – HK Last British Governor Chris Patten’s Favorite Egg Tart

April 14, 2021

Name (English): Tai Cheong Bakery
Name (Chinese): 泰昌餅家
Category: Food & Beverages
Phone Number: +852 8300 8301
Address (English): 35 Lyndhurst Terrace, Central
Address (Chinese): 中環擺花街35號地下
Address Google Map Link: https://goo.gl/maps/hyuBBm2oRCUYbdbS6
Address longitude and latitude: 22.28275101078679, 114.15356998126725
Nearest MTR Station: Central Station Exit D2
Nearest MTR Station Google Map Link: https://goo.gl/maps/npA7vmhW5cxCTNoG8
Nearest MTR Station longitude and latitude: 22.28193674484295, 114.15709847869913
How far from the nearest MTR Station: 7-minute walk from Central Station Exit D2
Opening Hours:
MON 09:30-19:30
TUE 09:30-19:30
WED 09:30-19:30
THU 09:30-19:30
FRI 09:30-19:30
SAT 09:30-19:30
SUN 09:30-19:30
Budget (per person): HKD50
Recommended Food/Drinks: Egg Tart, Seasame Paste
Recommended Time to Visit: 10:00 or 15:00
Accessibility Note: easy access
Reminder: Walking distance from MTR station varies depending on branch locations

“They’ve got the best egg tarts in town!” said Chris Pattern, the last governor of Hong Kong before the handover, devouring a freshly-baked egg tart at Tai Cheong Bakery. You can see how much he enjoyed the egg tart from the photo! To date, it still reminds the locals of the golden days right before the handover to China. Tai Cheong Bakery, therefore, stands as a symbol of collective memories to many. 

Must eat while it is warm!

With the crispy crust and warm egg filling, egg tart is the indisputable signature product at the bakery. But Tai Cheong is more than egg tarts. It’s a bakery opened in the 1950s that still makes some of the traditional snacks and desserts which are not commonly found in town these days. 

  1. Black Sesame Pudding (芝麻糕) – Its dark colour may not look appealing, but the strong sesame flavour is irresistible. Black sesame is a common ingredient of local desserts and is known for its nutritious benefits to the skin, hair, and digestive system. Traditionally, the pudding comes in a cylindrical shape, just like a photo film.  
  2. Salted Egg Yolk Pastry (蛋黃蓮蓉酥) – The filling (salted egg yolk and lotus seed paste) is the same as a traditional moon cake but this is available all year round. Oil from the salted egg yolk is absorbed by the lotus seed paste. The savoury and sweetness complement each other. All wrapped in a thin Chinese crispy crust. 
Unique souvenirs for your friends and family!
Besides warm egg-tart, red bean paste pastry is also very delicious and authentic!

Want to skip the queue at the flagship store? Tai Cheong has recently opened a few branches throughout Hong Kong. All products are as nice as the original shop. 

Flagship store in Central

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