• Outdoor Activities

Kowloon Park – Exploring Dynamics in the Urban Style

May 14, 2021

Name (English): Kowloon Park
Name (Chinese): 九龍公園
Category: Outdoor Activities
Phone Number: +852 2724 3344
Address (English): 22 Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon
Address (Chinese): 香港九龍尖沙咀柯士甸道22號
Address Google Map Link: https://goo.gl/maps/xWLyTiKgoiN38Fav8
Address longitude and latitude: 22.301906986061088, 114.17041676918222
Nearest MTR Station: Jordan Station Exit D
Nearest MTR Station Google Map Link: https://goo.gl/maps/pqJhngLU6BfsvfJG7
Nearest MTR Station longitude and latitude: 22.303813304071497, 114.17188768579129
How far from the nearest MTR Station: 5-minute walk from Jordan MTR Exit D
Opening hours:
MON 05:00 – 23:59
TUE 05:00 – 23:59
WED 05:00 – 23:59
THU 05:00 – 23:59
FRI 05:00 – 23:59
SAT 05:00 – 23:59
SUN 05:00 – 23:59
Recommended time to visit: 08:00-17:00 
Accessibility Note: Easy access- Flat entrance

Best known for the shopping malls and the phenomenal harbour view, Tsim Sha Tsui has always been one of best places to experience the vibrant urban lifestyle of Hong Kong. Food and fashion aside, there are history, harmony and diversity to be found in Kowloon Park, an oasis in the heartland of Kowloon.

Entrance to Kowloon Park

Back in the 1830s, the perennial frost-free Victoria Harbour was discovered by westerners as an ideal anchorage for vessels. The site where the park is located was therefore used as a lookout to overlook the harbour. In 1861, after claim sovereignty of Kowloon peninsula, the Brits established on the site a military base named Whitfield Barrack which operated until 1967, three years before Kowloon Park was built and opened. A few blocks of the barrack was conserved and now in use for different purposes inside the park.

By your first step through the loggia by the Nathan Road entrance, you could see sculptures of various local cartoon characters in the Hong Kong Avenue of Comic Stars. For instance, Old Master Q (老夫子) created by Alfonso Wong (1923-2017) in the 1960s, then continued by his son upon his demise, and Mcdull (麥兜) created by Brian Tse and Alice Mak in 1990s. These comics are fond childhood memories of Hong Kongers throughout the centuries. 

Hong Kong Avenue of Comic Stars

Benefited by its proximity to ChungKing Mansions and old areas of Kowloon, locals from different cultural backgrounds gather in the park with their friends and bring their children to play around. More than a nice view of local’s leisure time, it demonstrates harmony among different races and culture in this city.


Featuring an aviary, a bird lake and a conservation corner, the park embodies diversity of nature in an urban setting. You can see colourful parrots and pigeons at the aviary, and flamingos at the bird lake. Designed as a habitat for the wild birds, the conservation corner, with trees and shrubs planted as homes for the birds and flowers and fruits as their food, demonstrates itself as an example of coexistence of human and nature.

Bird lake
Entrance to Aviary

Kowloon Park is a recreational ground where people gather and events take place. It is also an oasis amidst skyscrapers for enjoying a breath of fresh air. As sustainability has become one of the biggest topics to discuss in this age of rapid urbanization, Kowloon Park gives us a vision of how harmony in community and urban-nature coexistence can be achieved.

Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre (inside Kowloon Park)

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Aurora Ma

Aurora, a university student, proudly presenting you the unfiltered stories of Hong Kong through the local lens.